Avlscenter Eskegaard A/S is a recognised and sustainable company with a long history.

Our objective is to continue to supply animals that can generate the greatest possible value for our customers. Our customers’ satisfaction speaks for itself. This is why we value these four qualities very highly: Valid breeding – Bio-security – Specially designed feeding – Housing and health.

Valid breeding

All of the strains at Avlscenter Eskegaard A/S are DNA tested to check their paternity. The animals are ear tagged at birth and allocated an ID number, which is officially registered in the DanBred system.

After testing, the best Landrace sows are used for further breeding. The best Landrace/Duroc boars are leased to DanBred QA stations or they are sold for export. After approximately 20 days of testing, genetic samples of all of the purebred breeding animals are taken, which ensures fully controlled inbreeding and valid and unique genetic gain.

FACTS: A genetic sample consist of a hair follicle that contains genetic information. By including this genetic information, the certainty of the breeding value increases significantly.


Bio-security is a basic element in the production of breeding animals at Eskegaard and it is enforced throughout all of the properties – every day! Our value chain in bio-security is about deliberate initiatives across the whole of production.

  • Implemented integrated operations
  • Feed with homegrown quality grain stored in our own silo plant for high bio-security
  • Grain and straw is taken into use 10 weeks after harvest
  • Soya is always taken directly from ships and then kept in quarantine for three weeks – as with other ingredients
  • Secure intake of ingredients in order to avoid contamination from tyres, shoes, etc.
  • Authorised rodent control by Mortalin
  • Own slurry spreading equipment
  • No outdoor storage of feed

Specially designed feed

With more than 30 years of experience in producing our own feed for DanBred genetics, we have tailor-made our own breeding animal feed mix, with special focus on gut health, leg strength and longevity – all supplied via a bio-secured silo plant. We adapt the feed for our different breeds and gain requirements.

  • High safety margin, for calcium formate (or equivalent) in feed for relevant animal groups, ensures low incidence of salmonella
  • The documented value of salmonella prevention is up to DKK 20 per gilt
  • Gut health, 15–20% oats as structure in feed*
  • Organic minerals and high phosphorus content for gilts for optimal leg strength

*Extended Health Check examinations show 0% gut changes

Housing and health

Our specially designed stalls for breeding animal rearing are mainly built on solid floors. In addition, we use primarily restrictive feed.

  • Feed adapted for reduced gain to achieve 92 kg at 22 weeks
  • Rearing in stable uniform groups from 7–120 kg

Good health in herds together with sectional operations means that we are contracted to produce OAU pigs (reared without antibiotics) for Danish Crown.

Via its SPF health status, Eskegaard is also subject to health checks by SPF/SUS, where all of the animals are checked monthly and blood samples are taken by impartial vets.