Avlscenter Eskegaard A/S has extensive experience gained over many years. The company has been family-owned for nine generations.

Today it is operated by Jørgen, Erik and Jens Schultz and employs a larger number of employees in the stables and fields.


Avlscenter Eskegaard A/S has existed for many decades and its original values remain the same: Quality, integration, efficiency, innovation and constant development. In other words, quality across the entire value chain.

This enables us to fulfil our mission to be “a preferred supplier of breeding animals and genetics for Danish and foreign pig production”.

Knowledge Centre

We value customer relationships very highly. We do everything we can to provide customers with the best service and advice. This is why we also visit our customers – and they visit us. We love to be used as a “Knowledge Centre” and can help to train customers’ employees and trainees, if required. Our close relationships with our customers is for their benefit – this is why we share our knowledge and many years of experience with them.

Visit us

  • 9 Farms

  • 220 LL sows

  • 180 DD sows

  • 1300 Breed. sows

  • 1050ha Crop prod.

  • 56ha Forest

Value chain

Avlscenter Eskegaard A/S supplies breeding animals of the highest quality. Our value chain is well thought out and bio-secure at every stage, from our own production of special feeds to genetically adapted multiplication to the delivery at the customer’s address.

We are an ultra-modern agricultural company, which constantly develops its employees, machinery and business in order to be a market leader with high standards within health and genetics.

Our knowledge – your gain.

Our value chain


Our farms

Every Avlscenter Eskegaard A/S farm has its own objective and position in the value chain.

See our farms



The history of both Eskegaard and Skelbæk stretches back through time. Here you can read about some of the most important events in the history of the farms.

See our timeline